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middle height 中等身材;半山腰。

middle irish

His figure was enveloped in a riding cloak , fur collared and steel clasped ; its details were not apparent , but i traced the general points of middle height and considerable breadth of chest 他身上裹著騎手披風,戴著皮毛領,系著鋼扣子。他的臉部看不大清楚,但我捉摸得出,他大體中等身材,胸膛很寬。

But according to present middle height residential building sale conditions and consumption requirement in kunming , middle height residential building is not well accepted by market 但從當前昆明市小高層住宅產品現狀和消費需求來看,小高層的市場接納還不太理想。

The paper gives a preliminary analysis and exploration for the supply and demand of middle height residential buildings by combining factors of market investigation 結合市場調查實際,從小高層產品的供需兩個方面作初步的分析探討。

He was rather above the middle height , with thin reddish whiskers , light complexion and light hair , turning rather gray 他的個子略高于中等身材,長著暗紅色的稀疏的髭須,臉色很白,金黃色的頭發已有些灰白。

Investors spontaneously begin to value the exploration of middle height residential building development project and benefit a lot from that 開發商因此開始重視小高層住宅項目的開發并從中得到了實惠。

“ of the middle height - about the same stature as his excellency , “ returned the host , pointing to albert “中等身體,同這位閣下的身體差不多。 ”店主指著阿爾貝回答說。

A figure of middle height on the prowl , evidently , under the arches saluted again , calling : night 在陸橋的拱頂下悄悄地踱來踱去的一個中等身材的人影又招呼了一一聲。

He is middling height with black short hair . he is very thin with a pair of glasses 22他中等個子留著黑色短發。他很瘦戴著眼鏡。

They are both of middle height 他倆都是中等個兒。

They are both of middle height 他們兩個都是中等個子。

Crass was about thirty-eight years of age, rather above middle height and rather stout . 克拉斯大約三十八歲,較高的身材,身體很結實。

I traced the general points of middle height and considerable breadth of chest . 我揣摩得出總的特征:中等身材,胸膛寬闊。